


Our leadership team has decades of experience leading large, complex organizations.  Our experiences are spread over a broad spectrum of sectors ranging from municipal government through to charities and academia.

Our consultants are drawn from experienced thought leaders and experienced professionals from the public, private and academic sectors whose diversity of knowledge and experience is our strength.



We transform our public and private strategic experience into innovative solutions that enable our clients to enhance service, safety and wellness within the communities they serve.





 We gather and integrate exemplary leaders who build upon our core advisory practices and expand our expertise across a growing range of strategic services to position CP2S as a leading consultancy in the enhancement of client efficiency, effectiveness and economy.


Our values

  • Leadership: We are lifelong leaders who add value to our clients and their communities

  • Competence: We are committed to learning, experience and remaining current

  • Mentorship: We dedicate ourselves to mentoring the next generation of leaders and thinkers

  • Diversity: We embrace and value equity, diversity and inclusion

  • Trust: We are reliable, ethical, and trustworthy

Proven Success


Consilium Public Sector Services Inc was conceived as a vehicle by which municipal, provincial and federal governments, and their respective agencies could secure consultation services that drew upon former public service leaders knowledge and experience, public sector skills and depth of knowledge and academic expertise and insight in their fields of practice.  Consilium has consistently worked to ensure that clients have not only received the full scope of services identified for their projects on or ahead of schedule and at or under budget, but we have provided access to our clients and their staff to ensure that they have the knowledge and understanding to identify and elevate opportunities, and to  successfully implement concepts and recommendations.

Proven Success


Consilium offers a range of consulting services for municipal, provincial and federal governments, and their associated agencies focusing on corporate and/or strategic level initiatives, ranging from service delivery reviews to future strategic planning efforts. Consilium’s strength lies in our knowledge and experience in these areas as well as our ability to leverage our horizontal leadership capacity to support all levels in client organizations to achieve their goals.



Kim Derry

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Retired Deputy Chief – Toronto Police Service

Peter Lennox

Chief Operating Officer (COO)

Retired Superintendent – Toronto Police Service / Ontario Police Hearing Officer

Angelo Cristofaro

Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

Retired Director of Finance – Toronto Police Service / Professor of Organizational Behavior – Humber College.

James Brown

Chief Administrative Officer (CAO)

Retired Inspector – Toronto Police Service / Adjunct Professor of Criminology – Ontario Tech University

Robert (Bob) Riddell

Chief Strategy Officer (CSO)

Corporate Security Risk Management leader.



Neil Armstrong


Retired Director – International Security – Air Canada

Maureen McVey


Business Analyst – Former Head of Learning and Development for the IIBA, Business Analyst for municipal and federal government projects.

John Bates


Retired Chief of St. John Police Service.

William Neadles


Retired Superintendent – Public Safety Unit – Toronto Police – IMS Specialist

Paul Beesley


Retired interim Deputy Commissioner of Investigations and Organized Crime Command – Ontario Provincial Police

Geoff Nelson


Retired Chief of Brantford Police Service

Jean-Michel Blais


Retired Chief of Halifax Regional Police Service

Sue O'Sullivan


Former Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime – Dept. of Justice.

Dr. Greg Brown


Professor – Nipissing University

clare Platt


Masters’ Certificate in Project Management – Schulich School of Business, specialist in ITIL, PMI, CCF

Scott Busch


Human Resource Professional

Mary Reali


Retired Acting City Manager – City of Vaughan. Managed City’s response to COVID-19

Jennifer Chambers


Executive Director – Empowerment Council

Angela Palermo


Retired municipal Manager – Community development and planning

Mike Federico


Retired Deputy Chief of the Toronto Police Service

Bill Stewart


Retired Chief of the Toronto Fire Service

Phil Gurski


Retired strategic analyst CSIS – CSEC

Dr. Marcel van der Watt


Retired Police Practices Lecturer – University of South Africa

Elizabeth Hewner


Retired Manager – Financial Strategies – City of Mississauga

Michelle Windley


Paralegal Licencee and WSIB specialist

Dr. Ron Hoffman


Assistant Professor  – Nipissing University

Proven Success


While our leadership team have all left policing leadership positions, we have not left our commitment to public service…


Our leadership team are experienced senior leaders who have retired from the police service.  As leaders in the public sector, we managed complex community and organizational agencies and issues.  In the private sector we have provided training, advice and perspective to government and non-government agencies, led and helped to re-structure organizations, and attacked problems like human trafficking, both in Canada and internationally.  Along with our network of professionals and practitioners from academia, private sector and public service, we support public-service leaders as they strive to create and maintain safe, healthy communities.  We continue to dedicate ourselves to community safety and well-being through Consilium Public Sector Services Inc.

Get In Touch

Contact us toll free by phone at 1-800-709-3075  or anytime by filling out the form or emailing:
[email protected]